• Ready Player One
    Ready Player One
    by Ernest Cline

    Seriuosly, one of the coolest books I've read in a LONG time.  If you are a geek that grew up in the 80s, you gotta read this book.

  • Okay for Now
    Okay for Now
    by Gary D. Schmidt

    This was gift from a dear friend.  Although it is a children's book, it was fun to read.

Entries in Yoshi (2)


Project 365 - Day 4

The troopers decided to take a day off so Yoshi is making his first appearance on the P365.  Surprisingly, he was very calm and only decided to bite at the camera when I was done taking pictures.

I haven't modified any of the pics so far.  Everything is as it came off the camera.  I've been reading about HDR photography, might try my hand at it either this weekend or next.


Slow week...

Didn’t go to the movies last week.  I don’t know, Super 8 just didn’t catch my eye enough to see it on the big screen.   Didn’t go to any baseball games either. That couldn’t be helped, the 51’s weren’t in town.  Didn’t see much baseball either. Watching the sweep kinda killed my mood.  However, we did add a new member to the family.  Meet Yoshi.

Yoshi is a Blue & Gold Macaw.  We picked him up from a local breeder and store owner, Juan Anderson of E & J Exotic Pets.  Wasn’t expecting to pick him up for another two weeks but Juan said that it was eating well enough on its own to go home. 

Needless to say, it’s been an interesting weekend. The dogs don’t know what to do with it. Yoshi is still getting used to its new surroundings. I’m running around with a rag cleaning up poop.  Fortunately it’s not a lot and it doesn’t smell so I’m good.

On an interesting note, The MLB All-Star Ballot updates have been released.  Yankees in the lead are:

Catcher – Russell Martin

1B – Mark Teixeira

2B – Robinson Cano

3B – Alex Rodriguez

SS – Derek Jeter

OF – Curtis Granderson

DH – Jorge Posada (3rd)

See something funny there? The ENTIRE infield are Yankees. I don’t have a problem with this but really?  Where are all the other teams’ fans? Martin, Cano, and Granderson all have comfortable leads. But, how many of these guys are really All-Star quality this year? Martin? Nope. Tex? Maybe. Cano? Yep. Rodriguez? Maybe. Jeter? Not really… But I think this is more of a sentimental vote because, let’s face it, he is in decline and probably won’t voted to a starting team anymore after this season. Granderson? Oh YEAH! Posada? What in the world? How did he even get in the top ten is beyond me.

The NL ballot looks a lot more realistic.  Actually, it even looks stronger than the AL ballot.  Uh Oh, do I feel a prediction coming on? Yes you do.

National League wins the All-Star Game, 5-3. Albert Pujols named MVP.

There I said it. Done. I’m out.
